Saturday, November 14, 2015

There's nothing like working with a group of girls who have survived so much in their young lives, to remind you to pull your head out of your ass and do work.

I'm not pulling out of this fast enough and I'm not anywhere near caught up but I've done this shit before and I'll do it again because I fucking can.

I wasn't able to fall asleep until 6am this morning but with only four hours of sleep I made it to my Girl Power group. I found myself sharing my life story with teenage girls I had never met. I told them I had been diagnosed as bipolar when I was 14 and in response a girl said, "That's what's up". We all laughed.

It was not the response that I had expected but for some reason her phrasing resonated with me.

She was right. That's what's up for me right now. And that's okay.

Last night I was talking to my sister and in that conversation I started to piece together a sequence of triggers. That's what they've been, even if I couldn't name them in the moment. I've been triggered, multiple times in the past two weeks. What did I expect to happen? That I would be able to get up, dust myself off and walk away unscathed?

Old wounds have been reopened.
Every time this happens, there must be healing.
The wounds are there, the scars will never truly fade.

That's what's up.

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